Cheap flight to Djerba

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11.03.2025 - 18.03.2025
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Djerba is a beautiful island located on the southeast of Tunisia, surrounded by the bright blue Mediterranean Sea, often referred to as the 'Island of Beauty'. The island offers breathtaking beaches, historic landmarks, and lively culture. Walking along the white sandy beaches you can spot various types of birds and enjoy the beautiful sea views. For history lovers, there is also the Houmt Souk market and the La Ghriba synagogue. Tickets to Djerba will bring you unforgettable experiences.

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What to see Djerba

Djerba Explore Park

Djerba Explore Park

This expansive park houses a crocodile farm, a museum, and traditional Tunisian village exhibits providing an excellent introduction to Tunisian history and culture.

El Ghriba Synagogue

El Ghriba Synagogue

One of the oldest synagogues in the world, El Ghriba synagogue is a mesmerizing architectural marvel, rich with religious history and beautiful mosaics.

Djerba Beach

Djerba Beach

Prized for its pristine white sand and crystal-clear turquoise waters, Djerba beach offers a serene getaway for relaxation and water sports activities.

Guellala Museum

Guellala Museum

An interactive museum initiated by a potter's son, providing insights into the history, culture, and crafts of Djerba. Discover the magic of pottery making.

Why to book with

Why to book with can offer a range of benefits, including expertise, personalization, cost savings and one-click booking. Whether you're planning a complex itinerary or just need help with a few travel details, a travel agent can make your trip smoother.

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  • Extra services included We also offer online check-in as part of our standard package. You will receive your boarding passes in mobile format via email.

  • Final price

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  • One-click booking

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best time to visit Djerba?

The best time to visit Djerba is usually between April and June when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists.

What are the main attractions in Djerba?

Some of the main attractions in Djerba include the Djerba Explore Park, the El Ghriba Synagogue, and Guellala Village.

How safe is Djerba for tourists?

Djerba is generally considered safe for tourists, but it's always important to be aware of your surroundings and take standard travel precautions.

Interesting facts about Djerba

Djerba is famous for its traditional pottery. It's home to Guellala, a village where pottery has been made for over 1000 years.
Djerba is known to have one of the largest Jewish communities in the Arab World, with its El Ghriba synagogue, which dates back over 2,600 years.
The island is referred to as the 'Island of Dreams' due to its stunning beaches and calm atmosphere.
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